As the Valiant Cinematic Universe (VCU) prepares for growth, female superhero project Faith has found a writer to bring its live-action story to life. Emily Carmichael, the seasoned writer behind major productions such as Pacific Rim: Uprising, and Jurassic World: Dominion, will take the reins for Faith, a project that was previously in development at Sony. The film, produced by Original Film‘s Neal Moritz and Toby Jaffe and Valiant Entertainment‘s Dan Mintz, remains in the early stages of development, with no confirmation yet as to whether it will feature a plus-sized lead.
The character of Faith, also known by her super-name Zephyr, is a heroine with the ability to fly and bring others along. In her alter-ego of Summer Smith, she works as a journalist based in Los Angeles, sporting glasses and a red wig. Faith was created in 1992 by Jim Shooter and David Lapham, and her strong moral compass has remained true to her original concept over three decades. The comic book series, which was her first solo venture, won the Eisner Award for Best New Series in 2017.
Paramount‘s VCU is also developing Harbinger, a title that will feature Faith as a protagonist, with direction by Paul Downs Colaizzo, the mastermind behind Brittany Runs a Marathon and LFE.
The potential casting of a plus-sized lead in the live-action version of Faith would make it a landmark production, marking the first time a major live-action film has featured a plus-sized hero.